Reasons for surgery
– You are not satisfied with the size of your implants.
– The shape of your breasts did not suit you after your surgery.
– Your breasts are hard and have changed shape.
– Your implants are ruptured.
How do we do it?
The most common reasons for needing breast revision surgery are implant replacement (size or type), capsular contracture, implant malposition, breakage, or a combination of several of them. Surgery is performed in the operating room. Although local anesthesia can be used in combination with sedation, the use of general anesthesia is desirable/necessary in most cases. The duration is from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the case. It is ambulatory and returns home in a few hours.
Many women feel that their breasts have become small after their augmentation surgery. This may be due not only to the fact that they chose a small implant, but also to the fact that postoperative inflammation decreases, breast volumes are redistributed, and there is a habituation to the new body image. In the first few weeks, the upper pole (cleavage) is very swollen and the chest may appear larger. As the first few months pass, the volume redistributes and the lower pole becomes larger while the upper pole becomes smaller. This change in shape added to the habituation of the new breast can generate the optical effect of a decrease in volume.
Changing the size of your implants is another excellent reason to undergo a breast revision. If your breasts are too large or too small, an implant change can help address this with or without other surgical techniques, such as manipulation of the breast implant pocket, lifting, or resection of additional loose skin.
Uncomplicated implant replacement is a very simple surgery. It is performed with local anesthesia and sedation. The implants are replaced by new ones in 30 minutes, and the same day he returns home. Drains are not left, nor do stitches have to be removed because they are resorbable. The next day you can resume social activity, work, and drive. Physical exercises are recommended after 1 month. All patients with Dr. Labaronnie’s silicone gel breast implants are automatically enrolled in the 10-year rupture guarantee.
Rest is relative, you don’t need to be in bed. Normal daily activity resumes in 2 to 3 days. You can bathe the day after surgery. Work activity and driving can be resumed after the third day. For 1 month you cannot do strength or physical exercises. Postoperative controls are the day after surgery, a week, 15 days, a month, 3 months, 6 months, once a year with ultrasound control and eventually a mammogram.
When a silicone implant ruptures, it can go unnoticed because the silicone is not reabsorbed by the body (silent rupture). however, it is possible for the tissue to become irritated and swollen, causing pain, tenderness, hardness, and alteration of the shape of the breasts; however, they do not cause breast cancer, reproductive problems, or connective tissue diseases. This is the main reason why I recommend the annual evaluation of the implants with ultrasound and eventually with nuclear magnetic resonance. Although new breast implants with cohesive silicone gel are safer, it is recommended to replace the implant every 10 years.
The capsule is a normal scar tissue that forms the organism against a foreign body such as the breast implant (encapsulation). In some patients, however, this scar tissue capsule becomes hard and contracts around the implant, causing changes in consistency, shape, and sensation (capsular contracture).
Encapsulation is normal and does not require any treatment, but when there is a capsular contracture, it is indicated to remove the capsule (capsulectomy) and change the implants. It is a simple surgery that lasts just over 1 hour. A drain is left for 48 hours, and it is not necessary to remove stitches because they are resorbable. The next day you can resume social activity, work, and drive. Physical exercises are recommended after 1 month. All patients with Dr. Labaronnie’s silicone gel breast implants are automatically enrolled in the 10-year warranty.
Some breast asymmetries are normal with or without implants, but sometimes patients who have already undergone surgery have worsened the asymmetry with implants. Improvement of asymmetry is a very reasonable goal of breast augmentation revision, as well as breast lift.
En la mayoría de los casos, los implantes mamarios se reemplazan durante la cirugía de revisión mamaria. Eso no es absolutamente necesario si sus implantes están en buena forma, pero la mayoría de las mujeres solicitan un nuevo par para maximizar el tiempo que durarán los nuevos implantes, en lugar de usar implantes que tienen algo de desgaste
Breast implant revision surgery is often followed by some discomfort that is easily controlled with common pain relievers. Long-acting local anesthetics are used on the breast to minimize postoperative discomfort.
Complete removal of breast implants is certainly possible, but often comes with some aesthetic trade-off. Most of the time, when patients want the implants removed, a smaller implant is used to maintain an attractive breast shape.